Sport som man kan dyrke når man ikke kan lide sport

Many people lack exercise to do sports. Among other things, this may be because you are busy with the work, the studio, the girlfriend, the friends or many other things that can get in the way of joining eg handball or football or taking up and training at the gym. . You can also be quickly distracted by playing online games . While it is good to disconnect from everyday life with online casino occasionally, it is also important to practice sports. If you’re not crazy about sports, then read this article to get three alternatives to keep your health right.

Going Slim

You can make sure you get fit by walking. One of the reasons that one can lose weight by walking is that it is an extremely effective form of slimming exercise, which is often not skipped. While it can seem unmanageable to go up and train or to tie the running shoes to run a trip, most can persuade themselves to go for a walk.

It is said to burn about 300 calories per hour when walking. But in the longer term, one also strengthens one’s combustion. To go for a walk strengthens various muscles in our body. This is especially true for the area around the buttocks and thighs. Most people go after the rule of thumb to go at least 10,000 steps a day, which is fine if you only go for health. However, you can achieve much better results by walking about 4 kilometers further.

· If you walk 10,000 steps, you burn about 300 calories by walking approx. 6 kilometers.
· If you go 12,000 steps, you burn about 360 calories by walking approx. 7 km. This is good if you are working to keep your weight right.
· If you go 16,000 steps, you burn about 450 calories by walking approx. 10 km. This is good if you want to keep a bigger weight loss right or if you want to lose weight.

Burn lots of calories with swimming

Swimming is both an activity and sport. It is a good alternative to team sports that many children and adults try to avoid. There are many people who love to be in the water. This applies both to the sea and to indoor pools.

You can burn a lot of calories by swimming an hour. While free-swimming and back-swimming mean that you burn about 588 calories by swimming for one hour, you can burn up to 840 with breaststroke or 921 calories with butterfly.

Get lost with computer games

It may well be that it has been a long time since the game console Wii came to the streets, but if you have a wii that collects dust at home, then you can find it again. Studies show that computer games that require physical activity, such as Just Dance in the Wii, can get one to get as much energy consumption as if you were going on a treadmill at a speed of about five kilometers per hour.